Forum Discussion

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Mar 21, 2014

Trading my Eagle Cap 1160 Theater Seating for Std Couch/Sofa

Hi everyone, I'm about to purchase a 2014 Eagle Cap 1160 and unfortunately (for me) all of the ones in stock across the country all have the new upgraded Theater Seating (dual recliners). Most people love them but I really just want the traditional couch/sofa. I could always custom order an 1160 without the upgrade but I really don't want to wait that long. Would anyone be interested in swapping your couch/sofa for my new upgraded theater seating? I'm pretty sure it's the exact same size/dimensions as the sofa in the 1160 and 1165 but we could call Eagle Cap to verify. I wouldn't ask any $$ for the upgraded theater seating since you'd be doing me a favor but I do ask that the sofa be in great condition (preferably from a 2013 or 2014). Oh and the decor is Silver Leaf so your couch/sofa would need to be Silver Leaf as well. Please send me a message if you'd be interested! Thanks.