Many cars and homes are broken into without the thieves have a key. Yet most of us would prefer that our car and home doors do not have such a common key as to allow most anyone easy access.
This is not a unreasonable thought.
Too bad that the RV industry has some serious shortcomings in this area.
Many do not know that it is real easy to get locked out as well.
I found out when I accidently locked my wife out.
I arose early one morning for a hunt. My wife was sleeping in.
When I left, I locked both of the door locks with my key, so she would be safe.
Later she got up, and a dog needed to go out to potty. So she went out with it on a leash intending to just be out a few minutes. When she shut the door, she was locked out. Since is was 20 degrees out, and she was not dressed for it, panic set in.
Luckily, my brothers truck was in camp, and it was not locked, and there was a spare key in it.
But I see this as a major flaw in the design of RV locks. My home locks will not allow for this to happen, and I think it is wrong for it to do this in RV locks. But there is little competition in this area, and this is the way it is, along with the limited key issue.