Thunderbolt wrote:
I was driving to work today and traffic was doing 20 mph and gaining speed on the interstate and bam ! Some idiot rear ended me...My neck is sore, but I should be okay.
Instead of worrying over the hitch, you need to go get a CAT scan. I'm far from being an ambulance chaser and quite frankly detest those who immediately claim injury for hope of a lawsuit. But depending on your state law, you only have a limited amount of time to make a claim. Get the CAT scan and hopefully you check out just fine and get on your merry way, but DO IT!! Other driver's insurance will pay if you follow the correct procedures.
I say this only because I know a family law attorney who was in an accident several years ago where the other driver was at fault. He thought he was fine, but over the next few years he struggled with a variety of symptoms related to the connection of his spine and skull. By the time it was correctly diagnosed, the stature of limitations had run out on his accident claim. To him, he's not concerned as much about the money for treatment as he is the pain and discomfort he has dealt with for several years as a result of not getting checked out immediately after the accident.
So just take the time, get checked out, and hopefully you're good to go.