Group Feed Most RecentMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesSolutionsFamily Camping PicturesPost your family pics here... Thanks MALE*RN*777 for the suggestion!Family Camping GroupsI've seen a lot of interest in the forum regarding starting, maintaining or folks looking for a camping group. We're going to experiment with a "sticky" at the top of the forum so that people are mor...Woodall's Family Camping Blog Seeking Writers!Hello! The Woodall's blog is growing so successful that we are seeking a few new writers. If you enjoy camping or RVing and have a tad bit of experience writing and would like to know more, please em...Photos and Video now available on RV.Net's new is proud to announce the release a new beta RV Community application that allows RVers everywhere to create a profile, upload photos and videos, and share them with their friends. This is a gre...NJ Family campersFamily of four from Northern NJ.Camp foodSo what is everyone eating on their adventures.Need some simple ideas. Hot dogs over the fire are really getting old.What are your fun family activites while camping?I thought I would ask this question two fold… What are your family camping traditions? And what activities do you find yourself doing the most with younger children?Camping in this economyHow many people are camping and how far are they traveling?The perfect RV campgroundI'm looking to design the perfect campground. What do you think is missing from RV campgrounds? - Management - experience - nature trails - broadband - lectures - scheduled events - food...Leave the kids home!!!In the campsite next to us is a young family with a small child. I do believe that from the time the child wakes up in the morning till the family leaves for their daily sightseeing/outing, he cries....Dealing with FreeloadersWay back in prehistoric times, in a different life, I rented and used an RV for the very first time. I contracted for a Robin Hood RV. It was a modest size and good for our family of 3. As soon a...How do you decorate your campsite?I was just wondering and looking for ideas. We usually, have a nice table cloth, put lights around the awning, 2 indoor/outdoor rugs, and chairs. And a dog or 2, lol We Have MOULD!!!hi guys; We've been stuck on the west coast for the past 3 weeks. We've been in BC, Washington, and Oregon. I think we've had 1 or 2 days in 3+ weeks without rain. Yesterday we started to find ...Problems with past RV Parks you've stayed at?Over the course of the last 12 months, what has been your most consistent present problem?Games to keep in RVLooking for recommendations of games you like to play and keep in your RV. Ones that are good for all ages from about 8 to adults.Resuming Rving... ideas dealing with Covid.We never really stopped but limited to trips to nearby campsites. Previously, we make multi-state camping trips. This time with Covid and having those low-compliance (actually, defiant) states ...Are tents next to RV at campgrounds okay?Just curious if most campgrouns/rv parks are okay with a tent or two being pitched next to an RV while at a campground. Looking at bunkhouses, but would really like to have the comfortable space inst...How did you get into Rving or camping?Is being out in the woods some type of gene or in the blood, what is with camping?Seven PeopleHello there everyone! This is my first post on this message board. I have a big family. There are seven of us total. My wife and I have five great kids ranging in age from 12 down to 3. I gue...camping with a big dogHelp. We have a 4 YO German Shepherd we would love to take camping, but she has severe "separation anxiety" When we tie her up outside the camper an try to walk to a nearby campsite to visit, she whin...