Forum Discussion

TCI's avatar
Apr 25, 2014

Bringing a cat in/out of Mexico

Hi all, we are not bringing our 5ver, but driving our truck from McAllen TX to Tulum Mexico this summer. Our cat is coming with. I have heard/read all different requirements for her travel into/out of Mexico. We just had her rabies and distemper shots and have a "US Interstate and International Certificate of Health Examination for Small Animals" form completed. Is this good enough? Any info would be appreciated. As always, thanks for the info.
  • My neighbor prepared a "Kitty Passport". A folder with images of the car in a background obviously in the USA. Along with inoculation proof, this was enough to satisfy officials coming and going.
  • We travel back and forth with two Mexican cats, never an issue. I can only recall two times in the last 10 years where they asked to see their shots. We always keep them uptodate as you never know when they will ask.
  • I just checked the CDC site. Neither dogs nor cats need a certificate of health to return to the US. Cats MAY be inspected to see if they appear to carry any diseases transmittable to humans. Rabies vaccine is not required.
    Dogs only need rabies, to be administered at least 30 days prior to their return. If you don't have it, or lose the paperwork, there are very easy, legal ways to take them home and get them vaccinated there. The US is very easy with dogs and cats.
  • We have traveled back and forth with a cat for 30+ years. Mexico has no requirements for cats. We were finally asked for paperwork on our dogs at Lukeville in November, the cat came out to say, "Hi," so I specifically asked, knowing that I had filled out and signed the form for his travel certificate. He said that cats needed nothing.
    For return to the US, there are NO requirements for cats at all.
    Enjoy your travels with your cat!
  • We have traveled in and out of Mexico with dogs every year for 12 years. Your documentation is correct. However, note that Mexico does NOT recognise 2 or 3 year Rabies vaccines. Must be 12 month only.
  • cocos cabana wrote:
    Border guard looked at her, called her name, Coco, and when she looked at him and she mewed, he said "OK".
    That's sweet.
  • Our cat has crossed the border for the past 7 years with no trouble. She has had all her shots and we have her certificates, but only once have we been asked for them. This was in TJ going into the USA. Border guard looked at her, called her name, Coco, and when she looked at him and she mewed, he said "OK".