Forum Discussion

Cimriver's avatar
Dec 30, 2021

Holbrook AZ to Phoenix AZ Route 377/260/87

Curious about road conditions this time of the year on this route. Pulling a 26 foot travel trailer.

Does anyone know what the highest elevation on this route is?

Thanks all
  • At the top of the rim on 260 is around 7,600 ft. Steady 6% grade down to Payson from there. Then lots of down and ups on 87 into Phoenix. It is surprising how many uphills there are on that stretch of road.
  • Weather and road work can always be a surprise. Always check right before departing if any roadwork, accident, weather or wildfire is reported on your route. Remember, if all else fails, the 40 (if not close due to weather) to the 17 (if not stopped up due to an accident) is all highways.

    From Holbrook to H/O is a rather easy stretch, nothing much to see, nothing much to do but stay awake.

    From H/O to Payson can get a bit nerve-racking as you deal with two lane roads, short passing lanes, some steep inclines and down grades, plus the impatient driver and RVer who wish you would pull over so they can pass. Otherwise, only a wildfire will cause any major long term disruptions. Try and take a good rest break in Payson. Many large commercial areas with ample RV parking.

    From Payson to the Valley is more highway"ish". Some inclines, many downhills and off course, even more speeding and impatient drivers.

    As you get close to the Valley floor, right before the Bush highway, where you plan on ending up will decide which route is best to take. Often you may have to take a slightly longer route to avoid problems with an RV in the metro area.
  • Conditions is good, any roads you can take 17 highway or 260 but is only one lane