Forum Discussion

Gruffy's avatar
Dec 28, 2013

Is CBC blocking your video ???

Went to watch the CBC new via a video stream. CBC's new player informs me that as I am outside of Canada they will not send me their content.

Has anyone else run into this?

CTV still streams the news by the way.
  • Hi Dirty Oil,

    Looking for a seat in the senate are you? Perhaps you can fill in for Mr Duffy?
  • Welcome to Harper Land. He would shut off the light at the end of the tunnel if he could find the switch. Unfortunately he is all to adept at finding such switches.

    must be a CBC employee... the CBC should have been "shut off" long ago!!
  • Why would you spoil a good trip by tuning in to CBC television?
  • Hi Gruffy,

    Welcome to Harper Land. He would shut off the light at the end of the tunnel if he could find the switch. Unfortunately he is all to adept at finding such switches.
  • Strange... CTV streams into the USA .... I'm listening to to Ottawa news radio as I type. I don't think coprwrite is the problem. CBC has shut down many communities that had a repeater... too expensive to switch to HD they say. PBS in the USA was able to raise the money.

    Perhaps we should all ask our MP's why we are funding a public broadcaster who doesn't want to broadcast??
  • Hi,

    You might try looking for a program similar to expat which allows folks to view BBC tv anywhere.
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    Fizz wrote:
    Nothing new there.
    It's a matter of copyrite.
    Also, you can't stream American networks into Canada

    Yup, I found this was my experience too.

    You can see a video file that has been loaded to the back end systems but you cannot live stream.
  • Nothing new there.
    It's a matter of copyrite.
    Also, you can't stream American networks into Canada