Forum Discussion

Morninghill's avatar
Nov 05, 2017

Mexican insurance

My full timer plan through National General says covered territory is US and Canada. Called the broker to suspend coverage for a 5 month trip in Mexico. She was able to add a Mexico endorsement for the rest of the policy period for $1.00. Odd, but went to Lewis and Lewis for Mexico liability, think we ended up with better coverage for less money.

Is there a gotcha I’m missing?
  • moisheh wrote:
    You should phone the Customer Service line. Often that coverage has a time limit and only in the border area.


    Thanks for the advice. The Mexico endorsement is fine for the motorhome, no restrictions. The car is limited to 50 miles from the border so cancelled this. Kept the liability on the car from Lewis and Lewis.

    Looks like we will be looking for a new broker who knows a little about Mexico travel.
  • That is correct. We had to have a window replaced with single pane glass in Mexico, $60 US, and decided to have the body and paint work done too. Total for that was $90 US. By the time the adjuster checked out the two dents in interior walls, the glass that will always be scattered through the coach, and the replacement of the window with the correct glass in the US, we received a check for over $3600 US. The actual cost of window replacement in the US was $300. We were paid well for the suffering and huge scare we had.

    Yes, we were offered to have it taken back to the US for repairs if we didn't feel good about the glass replacement. We declined.

    We have met people who had their rigs flatbedded back to the US for repair by Progressive.
  • I also had Progressive. BUT they specifically would not pay for repairs done in Mexico. I asked how they handled that part if the vehicle was not drivable. They replied that it would be towed to the nearest facility NOB at their cost.

  • Talleyho69 Great info. It would be nice to compile a list of underwriters that actually perform. Pay for repairs both in Mexico and north of the border.
  • We are insured by Progressive, and for no additional fee, have our coverage in Mexico, except Liability.

    Last year we were involved in an "incident." We were in Morelia, Michoacan, WAY out of the border area, and were in Mexico for 6 months. Progressive took care of everything, and more. It worked, we were very pleased, and recommend them highly.

    We were required to provide proof of Mexican Liability insurance.
  • You should phone the Customer Service line. Often that coverage has a time limit and only in the border area.

  • My coverage is for motorhome and toad. Same policy as before but now covers US, Canada and Mexico.
  • Some insurers can add Mexican comprehensive for a very small fee. But I always thought you still needed the USA coverage for the endorsement to be in effect. Is your coverage for a MH? I don't think they offer that endorsement for cars and trucks.
