Forum Discussion

charlestonsouth's avatar
Aug 08, 2017

Tropical Storm Franklin

Has anyone communicated with any RVers who may be camping in the Yucatán regarding the tropical storm due to hit the Merida area by noon Tuesday? Usually, I don't worry too much about storms, but this one is building high winds with it gaining hurricane status after it crosses the peninsula.
  • You fellas probably need that moisture to dampen all the smoke blowing your way from the west coast fires.

    The mountain areas of Mexico are in for a very hard time from (now hurricane) Franklin. Too many people died last year in the same areas from a similar storm.
  • We are already receiving some of the moisture being push North into the AZ. The worst is to arrive this weekend.

    rocmoc n AZ
  • Thanks, rocmoc. Former RVer, Mexico Kid, is now down in the Yucatán swimming and snorkeling with the migration of whale sharks (no danger from these type of sharks). Haven't heard yet as to whether he had any difficulties with the storm.
  • Need to try an expat site. Snowbirds on here and they aren't down there yet.

    rocmoc n AZ