wwest wrote:
shutdown wrote:
Well how did you wire in your second ac? my thoughts are either wire it back to the 30 amp panel or run a second, 20amp line out. Since most power b pedestals have 30 and 20 amp connections and I occasionally pop my 30 amp breaker without a second ac I am leaning towards putting out a second line.
First, find out why your 30A breaker "POPS"...
It's normal for it pop if you short cycle the A/C, turn it off and the back on quickly during a compressor cycle.
With no ~1000W microwave load 30A should be sufficient provided you have the "kit" installed that prevents both A/C's going into a compressor start cycle simultaneously.
Two ACs even a 13.5 and a 15 will not run on a single 30A service. Amp draw for a fifteen is around 14A, for the 13.5K, 11 or 12. You also have to figure in low voltage conditions which will increase the current draw. Add a water heater, MW coffee pot, or hair dryer and you are over the 30A limit.
I thought about converting to 50A service, but figured out that I could do two 30s easier and cheaper. That also gave me a chance to spilt out he loads for a better balance. The two cords each feed a breaker panel with a lockout that lets me run two separate panels or combine everything back to factory configurtion in case I run into a 30A only situation. I run it off a 50-30-30 breakout that I built, but Marinco makes the same thing. I also have an additional 20A inlet that feeds two outlets to run space heaters in the winter.