We full time in a 2008 Carriage. Have done this for 8 years. No problems.
Our Carriage is a big one with 4 slides. Very heavy so we tow it with a 5500 dodge 2 ton diesel. Have towed this coast to coast and north to south in the USA.
As for Carriage going out of business, this is what happened..... Their bank was bought out by another bank which bought out other banks also. Then the new bank called every ones loans which put a lot of businesses in a bind. Carriage tried to work with the new bank and they would not work with them or anyone else. So Carriage said shut it down. This bank was not interested. In making trailers or 5th wheels.
Carriage was one of the finest 5th wheels made and was a sad day when the factory closed.
We still love our Carriage.