spadoctor wrote:
First they can cause damage as I have personally seen....Second trailer manufacturers do not recommend their use....third some will even void the warranty if used...fourth....most of the weight of the slide is supported by the slide mechanism not the surround. I seasonal as well as travel and have seen one very common problem. When a rig is parked for an extended time two things happen....the ground packs down under the weight of the rig and the tires lose pressure slightly causing the main trailer to be lower then when set up. If slide supports are used the do not lose floor height as much as the trailer so the supports push up on the slide causing weight to be added to the slide where not engineered to be placed and cause the seal between the slide and coach to open leaving a gap that might leak. Slide supports are another example of a product designed to sound good but just a waste of money.
First....I've been doing this a long time and have seen very few rver's using slide support stands and have never seen damage done by them but I have seen damage caused by other miss-use of equipment.
Second....all I said was Cedar Creek had no issues with them not the rest of the industry however from what iv'e seen of some of the other brands of fiver's I'd be leary of hanging a towel bar in one for fear of it falling apart.
Third....One would have to do something remarkably stupid to do any real damage to their slide with a slide support that might void whatever manufacturer's one or two year warranty.
Fourth....Yes, Sidewinder was very clear about using their stands on soft ground and if I did to do a weekly check that the stands aren't too tight so I don't use them back home but on my concrete site in Florida I do as it's stable also tires do lose pressure but the front and rear landing gear or jacks don't and they carry the weight of my fiver along with the two I put on the rear. I have large slides and I consider them to be well engineered but I do notice additional movement or "shimmy" without them and I can't help thinking the stands assist the slide rails while being extended for six months at a time.
As I said earlier they work well for me as I use them properly as the manufacture intended and I'd recommend them in that fashion.
Red Green;
Remember, If it moves and it shouldn't, duck-tape,
if doesn't move and it should,WD40!!