kaydeejay wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
"Payload" is not the same as "Cargo" with Chevs, at least in 2003.
"Cargo" is with full fuel but maybe not "Payload". My truck GVWR is 9,200 and the CWR and ("T" on the label) is 2,770 (what is allowed in the box) It is a five pax for 150 each for 750 so "Payload" is 750 + 2770 = 3,520 which would be on the stickers that came out a few years later for "cargo and passengers" limit.
However the 2003 brochure says its "Payload" is 3,643.
So maybe the 3643-3520 = 123 is gasoline, but 128 litres must weigh at least twice that.
So it is not altogether clear.
Is that five passengers PLUS driver, or 5 occupants total? If the latter, there is the rest of your fuel.
Also, that "brochure" weight is a typical weight for 2500HDs, not necessarily the exact number for your truck.
Ok, now clear.
"Payload" is everything including fuel, people, and cargo or any other stuff added to the truck from new.
"Total Reserve Capacity" is the difference between your GVWR and the weight of the truck "with full fuel and passengers" (I think that term "passengers" is meant to include the driver in that quote)
"Cargo Weight Rating" (also your truck-camper limit) is the maximum load your truck can carry "but doesn't include the weight of the people inside" --figure on 150lbs each.
"Hitch loads" -subtract these from your cargo weight rating (as part of your cargo)
Our truck does not have the sticker that came out around 2005 which says "people and cargo not to exceed xxx", but it does say the CWR is 2770 and that is also the T number on the sticker it does have, where T is the Total Reserve Capacity, which is "with full fuel" and people.
So with full fuel we can carry 2770 plus 750 of people or 3520 which is what would be on the new type of sticker.
So that is where it comes out that the sticker on newer vehicles giving max wt allowed is with a full gas tank already counted in.
The trick is, that figure is not your "payload" Payload is the difference between the empty truck as built and its GVWR.
Ford and Dodge no doubt speak a different language, so "payload" may mean something else in their languages.