SH wrote:
So....I have not read many posts on the Correct Track alignment system. Does anyone have this and/or have any reports on how well it does or doesn't work?
There are three aspects to aligning trailer axles. Tracking, which is how square the axles are to the frame. Toe, how much the wheels or wheel is point toward or away from the opposite wheel on the same axle. Camber, a measurement of how vertical the wheels are, tipped in at the top or tipped in at the bottom. A quality alignment will check and adjust all three of these measurements if needed.
The highly touted Correct Track system will only allow adjustment for tracking. The reasoning being as the trailer is loaded the axles will shift and become closer together on one side or the other depending on the load. A big rig alignment shop can change all of these settings by placing the trailer on a frame rack and pulling or pushing the axles into alignment. I have yet to see an RV dealer that has the proper equipment or expertise to do this. They will sell you a new axle which may or may not correctly align the wheels when installed. As a side note, new trailers are not aligned when manufactured. The axles are installed to the frame in whatever position the axle hangers are installed, some are close, some are not...