That is not my transfer is one I found picture of to illustrate ground bar wiring.
After posting I was checking out some other sites and found original picture from a posting on RV.NET------surprise, surprise.
Kudos to 'MrWizard' one of the moderators. Reason I used that picture was because the wiring was so clean and straight-forward.
I don't have a transfer switch.....after 2 failed I went 'manual'
1st one failed 8 mos. old---left me without ability to have 120V AC power.
Warranty replacement arrived 3 days later......and it was faulty right out of box.
Went to a manual double 50A mechanical interlocked breaker set up in a sub-panel.
YES......#6 wire is a bugger to work with especially tying in 3 junctions boxes & 1 subpanel inside basement compartment when you are 6'2" and 280#