Forum Discussion

darsben's avatar
Explorer II
May 11, 2013

1990 Southwind coach electric problems

I am having an intermittent problem with my 1990 Southwind on the Chevy P30 chassis.
Basically the problem is
Chassis (main battery) is fine.
Coach batteries are fine.

I have two switches above my door and one is marked main other aux. Most times when I press Aux to run living quarters ( which I will call coach)on Aux batteries the solenoid does not engage and the generator will not start on the Aux batteries. This leaves the coach dark. I can then press the main battery and get lights etc in the coach. I can also start the generator. After a while 5 - 10 minutes the generator will shut off (no Load situation?). Other times such as today I can get the solenoid to kick in when I press the Aux battery switch. This will be accompanied by a lot of clicking from under the dash near the generator start switch. The coach will then have lights and the generator will run till I turn it off.

Chassis (main battery) is fine.
Coach batteries are fine.

I have the wiring diagram for the bulkhead electric control center which I am studying to try to figure out the problem.
I am hoping someone has had a similar problem and can guide me through the troubleshooting and repair.
  • Had to replace relay for shore Vs gen power to solve the problem but it is done.
    Thanks everyone
  • ryanallie1 wrote:
    Hi All.

    Its "Amazing", what some "Proventive Maintainance" does for a Motorhome when it comes to Electrail issues.

    And most all issues, also. One day, check you Motohomes Main Electrail Panel, and check all wires for tightness. You just might be surprized what you might find lose ?

    Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill

    Yea I'm going to take apart all my relays today and clean them up :S
  • Hi All.

    Its "Amazing", what some "Proventive Maintainance" does for a Motorhome when it comes to Electrail issues.

    And most all issues, also. One day, check you Motohomes Main Electrail Panel, and check all wires for tightness. You just might be surprized what you might find lose ?

    Good Luck. Happy Travels. Dan & Jill
  • That sounds like dirty contacts on that relay too.
    A new relay should not be too expensive, I would just replace it.
  • The new switch arrived and is installed. The problem is solved. I took apart the old switch and the inside contact washer and electrodes were really corroded.
    Now for my next problem.
    The automatic transfer switch from Shore power to generator does not work I must hit the case with a mallet to get generator power to connect.

    What are the drawbacks if I remove the switch and put in an outlet near the generator and just plug in the power cord when it is not plugged into outside electric. This would allow me to start the generator from inside and since the cord is plugged in the generator will power through the cord. If I had electronics I would be worried about them as the Jennie came up to output. However I do not, I think the the fridge should not be affected and since the microwave would not be running that should be okay I THINK. Anyone got any thoughts on my plan?
  • I had a 1988 Southwind and ran into the same problems. Two RV dealers failed to solve the problem and I decided to take it to and automotive/RV electric shop. However, before I did, I didn't want them to spend expensive time just cleaning connections, so I took apart, thoroughly cleaned and reconnected each and every major 12 volt connection. Magically, all my electrical problems disappeared!

  • I cleaned all battery terminals and terminals on the solenoid to no avail. When pushed the switch did not activate the solenoid. So while my wife pushed the switch I tapped the solenoid lightly with a rubber mallet. It worked and continued to work when cycled off and on. This lasted for about 6 hours and then it stopped working again but was cured with another light tap from the mallet.

    I am buying a new solenoid.
    Battery ground wire to frame was installed already
  • I had a 1989 Southwind, the switches over the door were sticky and would stay on instead of momentary and burned up the relays!
    Those battery solonoid looking things are "Latch Relays". If you put 12V to the control terminals + to - it closes the relay, - to + it opens the relay.
    Those relays cost about $80. EACH!!!
    Lub the rocker switches with silicone spray.
  • Start by cleaning the small terminals on the battery disconnect relays in the battery control center.
    Make sure the large terminals are clean and tight.
    You should disconnect your batteries while working in the battery control center.
    The genset should not go through the battery disconnect. It should be connected directly to the battery.
    Check the ground connection between the batteries and the frame of the rig. There should be a ground jumper between the grounds of the chassis and coach batteries(aux). If there is none I would install one. Everyone will jump in and say it is not necessary, but the grounds between the engine attached ground and the coach ground helps tie the systems securely to gether.