Forum Discussion

Oldgypsies's avatar
Jan 19, 2015

1997 American Eagle vs 2000 Safari Zanzibar

Hi, we are just starting our full timing journey. We have been sitting in the same park basically for a year waiting for our house to sell.We finally have a contract-so we are thinking about the future. We are 60 and 61. We have 2004 dodge diesel 1 ton and 39 ft 2010 heartland landmark. Eventually we will want/need a class a. This week we have met 2 couples in their 80's needing to get away from rving. The 2000 zanzibar was owned by this couple since it was a year old. Needs a couch. 300 cat and tons of cabinetry upgrades. Would offer maybe $30,000. The 1997 American eagle has 325 Cummins with 147,000 miles. It will come with 2006 subaru Forrester and maybe around $42,000. Any advice on what to stay away from? We are going backwards on years...will parts be available? Will maintenance cost us a fortune? Are we nuts for even considering something this old? Ideas and opinions are very much appreciated. Sorry about paragraphs...on my phone!