We bought our motorhome new in 2004. We ordered it from the factory. It's a Georgie Boy Cruise Master on the Workhorse W-22 Chassis. In that era, the Workhorse chassis was considered a better chassis than the Ford by most. I believe the W-22 was available with larger tires, had a tighter turning radius, a lower doghouse, and that Allison transmission speaks for itself. It also carried about a $3-5,000 premium in list price as well, depending upon the manufacturer. You should also be aware that there were other Workhorse chassis's available such as the lower weight rated W-20 and the old P-30's. For that year, the W-22 was the top.
Yes, there was a brake recall issue due to the pistons used in the Bosch brakes. But once the recall was done, no more issues on that front. There was also a fuel rail clip recall that was probably done, as well. Again, no issues after that.
We liked the Georgie Boy interiors, and the Cruise Master was the top of the gas-line up of motorhomes in that year before you got to their DP offerings. There were several lines available.
Truthfully, the most important aspect of motorhome ownership is a floorplan which best suits your needs. That's the main reason we chose the GBM Cruise Master in our signature: it was one of the very few gassers which offered a dual sofa layout, and the 12 seat belted positions was a great plus with our family of 6.
Since we ordered ours from the factory, I had the option of ordering it with either the Ford or Workhorse Chassis. I'm more partial to Fords than GMs, but the positives of the W-22 chassis made it worth the extra couple of grand and I knew both engines were solid performers. My wife liked the lower doghouse of the W-22 over the Ford. I believe our premium for the W-22 over the Ford was about $2600. So as I like to say, my wife got her lower doghouse for $2599 and I got an Allison Transmission for a dollar!!! LOL
I also have to agree with the those who said that at this point, it is really about its current condition and previous maintenance. Assuming both are similar, I'd go for the better floorplan. If both of those are similar, I'd go for the Workhorse.
Good Luck,