Forum Discussion

LTaylor's avatar
Jul 19, 2019

2006 Fleetwood Providence 39L

We have 1 BR slide that will not extend out & all the overhead lights went out in the BR.My husband has checked the fuse box, seems to be fine. Any ideas? TIA
  • Thanks for all the input, we have new batteries so don’t think
    that is the issue,it is isolated to the bedroom, we have 2 slides in the BR one
    is working fine. ??
  • Pretty sure it is electric Power Gear.

    Lights and slide motor no power sounds electrical.

    Batteries good? Engine running?
  • Well, if the fuses & breakers are all OK, it sounds to me like you lost a 12V power connection (or multiple connections) and/or ground connection(s) to that slide. Is the slide electric or hydraulic? I know nothing about the construction of your motorhome and slide, but somewhere there is a wire or wire harness which brings power to the slide from the stationary part of the coach. Hopefully someone familiar with your layout can direct you where to look. If you have a DMM (digital multimeter) it would be helpful to make measurements to see if the +12V power or the ground or both was lost at the slide motor and the bedroom lights which are not functioning.

    Good Luck,

  • Need more info - are you plugged in, are you dry camping, what type of system, is this isolated to the BR, etc etc. That said - how much charge is in your batteries? Low batts - depending on the system, will not have enough power to run the slide. Your overhead lights are also 12v and again, low battery will affect them. Try running the genset or plug into shore power.

    If it's isolated to the BR and other slides/lights work, make sure you check all the fuses/breakers. We had an instance once on an older MH where a GFCI was tripped and I was surprised what else was on that circuit. Took forever to figure that one out.