azpete wrote:
take the cover off again, and clean the ring at the bottom of the bell shaped piece on the joy stick. the ring gets corroded from electrical arcing. use a pencil eraser to do the job. if you can short the two wires together, the problem is either in that ring contact,or in the spring contacts on the plate. make sure those three springs are standing at 90 degrees from the plate, and clean the contact points on the circuit board that they make contact. use the service manual to check out the circuit board if none of this works.
note** ther joystick center is not designed to be removed easily. its pressed on, but its a vary snug fit.
I cleaned the joystick yesterday with steel wool. I first cleaned it with a Q tip and contact cleaner and noticed a lot off black stuff coming off then went to the steel wool. If you are talking about the black and white wires that are soldered to the switch plate contact ring I shorted those out but still the pump would not come on. Also noticed that the solder joints were loose(probably due to my cleaning) re soldered to the plate but still nothing.