Keep in mind your trailer requires a 12VDC Battery system. This is made up of 12V Batteries operating in parallel to gain more AHs as needed.

When you refer to 6VDC batteires you are talking about two 6VDC batteries wired in series to give you the 12VDC required by your trailer requirements. You may want to consider two 6VDC batteries connected in series is really a 12VDC battery but broken up into two units. Your RV Unit get alot of AHs doing this when you use the golf cart 6VDC batteries with larger cores required for golf cart use.
When you add two 6VDC batteies in series you only double the operating Dc Volatge. The AHs remain the same as one 6VDC battery in the series connection. Too gain more AHs with 6VDC batteries you have to parallel two groups of 6VDC batteries wired in series...

Turns out that batteries produce AHs based on the weight of the batteries. Two 62LB 6VDC golf cart Batteries wired in series will produce 12VDC at around 220AHs. A single 12VDC batteries is around 50-60 lbs and they will only produce 12VDC at around 90-100AHs...
We like to have around 250AHs of 12VDC battey capacity that allows us to make it though one day/night off of our batteries with the items we like to run and then be able to re-charge our battery bank bank the next morning during breakfast using our smart mode converter/charger unit direct connected to a 2KW Honda generator. This will take around three hours of generator run time.
All depends on your lifestyle of actual camping or just being a RV Traveler going from town to town on round robin trips.