Once again, I thank all of you for the advice and I've been looking seriously at the tablet option using a Samsung 10.1" but in WiFi only. I really have no perceived use for another web device as I already have my laptop in the coach and my phone available (but very rarely used) when not in the coach.
When I drilled down to the benefits of using a tablet the drill stopped at the display size. Playing around with the co-pilot program on my phone didn't give an tangible benefit over my existing Garmin...some better features and some worse so it's a wash at best. The big thing is that I'm unable to find a dash mount for a 10.1 tablet. Lot's of other types available but none that work well with my cockpit layout.
I learned a lot from all the input but I'm just going to stick with what works and go for another Garmin but with a 7" display....and saves a ton of $$$ in the process.