uwireme wrote:
I have four-6 volt batteries and one 12 volt
I read a little over 12 volts for both sets
Does someone have a wiring diagram to wire the 4-6 volt batteries for the house and the 12 volt for the engine?
Your problem has nothing to do with the House and house batteries. Your problem is, you have LOST 12 volt power to the engine/controls from the chassis battery. The alternator at this point has nothing to do with your problem. When you engage the AUX start switch you are supplying the Chassis engine/system with 12 volts. FIND where you have lost your chassis power. Having 12 volts on the chassis battery is good but not useful here. You have 12 volts, but that power is NOT connected somewhere to the chassis system. Either the Ground/negative wire is off or your 12 volt positive cable is not connected. due to the age of rv, trace the negative cable from the battery to the frame/engine mount point. It may have rusted and broken off. Do you have ANY dash systems that function? Once you have found the chassis battery problem and engine runs from the chassis battery, then check the Alternator output. Doug