For those of you that turn it off except when you're going to need you also turn off your home hot water heater in your sticksNbricks home? That has a lot more impact on your yearly energy spend than saving a gallon of propane over the course of a season.
Just sayin :)
And you can probably argue until the cows come home about whether anyone saves anything given that it takes more energy to heat it back up than to keep it hot to begin with. That pesky "energy" thing :)
Think of your car going from a dead stop to 65mph. It can take a lot of horsepower to get your car up to 65mph, but once there, assuming flat ground, it only takes minimal horsepower to maintain that speed.
When we camp, I could care less whether someone shuts off the propane hot water or not. It's such a minimal expense that I refuse to even think about it.