I am going to worry you a little here, but we had that same exact symptom on ours early in life. The 1000 was going in and out of torque converter lockup allowing the RPM to vary around 300 RPM up and then back down. The cause was not a bad transmission or overdrive cycling. The cause was that the ABS brake system was throwing error codes right and left. When we finally got to a service place that would work on it, it was found that the right rear wheel bearings were going bad and the right rear wheel was moving in and out confusing the ABS sensors causing ABS error codes. The trans was getting messages to drop the torq converter lockup from the ABS system... Upon teardown the rear axle was discovered to have the wrong outer bearing cone in it from the factory and it was on the verge of allowing the wheel and axle to come out while rolling.... shiver, shiver... Would have been pretty messy had that occurred while moving. Fixing the rear axle corrected all the symptoms in the trans and all was well.
Long story short is that be aware that the ABS system can cause trans controller corruption/errors because it is trying to compensate for a problem... :)
Good Luck with your problem.
I might add that the right rear wheel oil seal was also dumping oil on the inside of the wheel where it didn't show outside easily. I was told when this happened that there were a number of the axles made with the same wrong bearing around May 2006 when our chassis was built. They also use the same axle on some of the Fords.