Forum Discussion

StephJohn2010's avatar
Sep 10, 2013

Any experience with Freightliner in Apopka, FL (Good/ Bad?)

We will be in Florida about the time our rig will need its yearly maintenance done and am wondering about Orlando Freightliner?
  • I live near Orlando and my first trip to freightliner was to Apopka. It was awful. I wanted them to do an alignment on my front wheels. The service tech asked me if I would like my tires and brakes checked while they were doing it since it would be raised off the floor. I said yes. When I got my bill I noticed a charge of $150 for checking brakes and tires. What a rip off! From now on, I go to the Freightliner in South Orlando off South OBT. It is very good and honest. But if you want the best service of all in Orlando - go to the Cummins Dealer on Hwy 441 in north Orlando. They're the best!
  • I used Cummings Southeast in Orlando last year without any problems. They did a complete service on all required items with no problems. I am planning to going back to them again this year when needed.
  • Thank you all. I was thinking that something may have been "different" with them and I got my confirmation.
  • Bad.

    They claimed the source of my very rapid suspension air leak was a cracked fitting.


    It was a blown air bag which I had a local truck repair facility replace at my expense rather than return to Orlando for more abuse. My coach was almost new and well under Freightliner warranty at the time.
  • I went to Orlando FL once and would not go back. They overfilled my CAT after explicit instruction and changed all the Transynd at the first service when all they needed to do was replace the filter. But mostly, its because it is a huge place, yo are not allowed anywhere near your RV while it is in the yard, too big and impersonal, never met the tech.

    I switched to Ocala FL, same company. Much smaller shop, I liked the manager better and could watch the service tech work on my RV. The tech actually came over and talked to me before he started to make sure we were on the same page and let me know how everything went afterwards.

    I would do Gaffney if at all possible.
  • I'd suggest planning a few days and take a side trip to Freightliner in Gaffney, SC. They offer a discount in January and will do a fabulous job. Attend camp frieghtliner if you have a couple of extra days.
  • I can not prove they are competent based on some of my interactions with them. Other interactions were ok. YMMV