Well Gang,
When the big girl is parked in it's cave at home, the button is pushed after I back it in and, the bags are emptied and the jacks come down and, the coach is leveled. DONE! The primary reason I do this, whether it's for a week or, two months, is because our diesel coach, like just about 98% of the rest of them out there, will LOOSE AIR in the bags and settle anyway.
But, we're both in and out of that coach, while it's parked, for several reasons, on a quite often basis. And, due to the fact that, our Kwikee step is not the most stoutly mounted, I place a "step saver" under it to support the weight as we step in and out of it daily.
If I were to not drop the bags and, place that step saver under it, the bags would self deflate, over a short period of time and, guess what would happen to the steps due to having that step saver under there?? There would be (and almost has been) some serious damage to that section of the coach because the steps would be trying to hold that corner of the coach up.
So, that's my reasons for stowing the coach, with the jacks down. I have gone to the HWH site and checked all the comments on jacks down during storage and all that and, they say it's perfectly fine.