The issue you will find is not on longevity of older coaches but repair costs based on time. Most of the people responding with newer coaches will have more in maintanence coming. I know my coach is in great shape but this last year I had to replace the radiator and my fuel lines. Shocks are done and airbags come this year. Now I am 14 years old but repairs have been not so much a cost as a hassel in the past. Radiator hose hit by a rock and new coolant as a result. I have put a lot more into remodel then repairs over the years. I replace my tires every 6 years and that is a cost that adds up too. The biggest expense is fuel my a long shot though. I love my Foretravel and would look older and save some cash and just budget the replacements of the stuff. Of and batteries last about five years. Sure you can go longer but their usefulness is less.