Update on our 235S. We do love it! Next trip will be the first weekend in May for 2 nights.
It's now back from the dealer. I had them install the second coach battery. The day/night shades are now installed to replace the noisy blinds. The right rear upright panel has been replaced with an undented/uncracked one (opps, Did I forget to mention the 'run in' with the Platinum Coach in the dealer's parking lot? :<) )
The leaking (brand new) valve on the water drain was replaced under warranty and a grounding problem was checked which required all of the wiring to be be retightened.
Now I'm on to installing a 90 degree removable pipe on the generator exhaust so that I can mount the Genturi (exhaust redirector), the slide out actually comes out over the generator exhaust pipe, the Genturi device runs the exhaust up over the roofline of the Motorhome. The angle pipe lets me mount the Genturi clear of the slide.
Has anyone installed wheel liners? Removing the hubs to check the tire pressure is stupid. I'm looking for recommendations.