Forum Discussion

TominTampa's avatar
Jun 10, 2021

Battery disconnect switch

Hello All,
I’d like to replace the chassis battery master disconnect switch, as I suspect it may be corroding inside. Unfortunately, there are no markings on it. It looks like a Cole Hersee or a Grote unit to me. I believe the main discriminator is the “Rush in” amp rating. The Grote 82-2103 unit shows a 1000-amp rush in and a 180-amps sustained rating. Is that an acceptable rating? Any suggestions? Cole Hersee make a 2000-amp rush in model, but the lugs are ½” and I would have to upgrade all the cables to go along with it, and I don’t really want to do that. Thanks for the help. – Tom
  • Thanks Matt! BTW I love the GMC Motor Homes, they were really ahead of their time. If my Monaco ever pitches off a cliff and I live to tell about it, I'll probably end up with one of the old GMC rigs myself. - Tom
  • Tom,

    Were I you, and knowing what I know (which is more than most) about these switches, I would pick one with the same size connection studs as what you have. That stud size indicates the contact size and that is all you need to know. Besides, this way you won't have to mess with the cables at all.

    I did boat work for a living for a long time. (I'm trying to stop.)
    Most of these switches can be disassembled, cleaned and relubricated. You might try this before you replace it. Just be sure to open it carefully because there are springs in there that can escape with great velocity.
