Forum Discussion

marc515's avatar
Sep 02, 2017

Best Roadmap App?

I'm looking for a Roadmap APP that includes warnings for low bridges and tunnels (based on your RV height), and propane restrictions; the App also needs to rerout you to RV appropriate roads.

Which Roadmap App have you guys found to be the best?

Thank you,
  • We have used Google Maps a great deal on our current cross country trip. Generally successful with one notable exception. GM directed us onto a road outside of Yosemite labeled "Old Priest Grade," which apparently has warnings posted (we missed them clearly) prohibiting RV traffic. Our 32' Class C barely made it us grades of more than 8-10% and incredibly tight turns. (Note - see our post on the "Roads" on this forum). When we get back, I intend to contact Google to have them correct this very dangerous oversight.

  • Marc515,

    Your information is a little sparse. If you want an app for a tablet or smartphone, they are usually dependent on internet access. That makes them a real bad choice for underway navigation.

    If you are going to put a GPS puck on a laptop, Street Atlas or Streets and Trips would have done well for you, but both are out of print.

    The remaining is Co-Pilot for RV which is a web-based app.

    Sorry Guy, the boat you wanted sailed 3 years ago.

    I am going to keep running SA-15 with a clearance over lay as long as I can.

  • Google "trucker navigation app" and see if you find anything that strikes your fancy.
  • Guys,

    I'm looking for an App that will give me directions while driving the RV.

    Apple maps, and Google maps, etc. give directions, but will give you the shortest route presuming you are driving a car; there is no warning for low bridges.

    Thank you
  • Sorry Triker,

    Both S&T and SA are now out of print and the charts of both are so old that they are close to useless except for a long range desktop plan. I still use '15SA w/GPS on the road, but in close scale it is wrong more than it is right.

    My one foray into Co-pilot was not rewarding.

    There are multiple on-line planners, but I find them kind of a problem. It's the on-line part. Some come close to doing what you want. No matter how much I plan, that plan is junk by the third morning (at best).

  • I used MapQuest for years and had no problem. Then it was getting harder to load when needed so i went to Google maps and love it.