Forum Discussion

TruckinRVer's avatar
Nov 11, 2017

Bounder model number meanings.

In boundeR model numbers what do the letters mean?

Example a 30p ,

What does the “P” stand for?
  • I have a Bounder 32W The number is the length (but not really accurate) and the letter is the floorpan.
  • back when I dabbled in motorhome sales as a hobby, my understanding was that the number was the length, and the letter the floorplan.

    in 2005, there were 32W, 33R, 34F, 35E and 36Z gas models. most of the lengths were 6-8 inches longer that the model length number.

    the 33 ft model was dropped in 2008, and a couple 32 and 34 ft models were added. Then in 2010, the 32 ft model was dropped and a 33 ft model returned.

    I'm sure that lengths and floorplans change as consumer interest change.
  • The 2101 in my Winnie’s name means it’s a 22 foot box. lol
  • azdryheat wrote:
    From my experience with RV's it seems that the numbering system is quite arbitrary.
    just an irrelevant tag ?
  • From my experience with RV's it seems that the numbering system is quite arbitrary.