Vehical is a 1979 Georgie Boy , Dodge 440
Problem - Transmission over heat.
Bought the MH from my parents last year. While driving through the UP of Mich I saw a lot of smoke coming from under the coach. Checked it out and found that transmission fluid was running from a relief in the front pump and dripping onto the exhaust. Fluid was very low. Kept adding tillcould get into a town where I could have it checked out. Also notices that the temp gauge was showing below normal operting temp and the cooler was cool to the touch. (This transmission had been replaced about 2 years prior following a catastrophic failure of the original.) When I got to the transmission service company they dropped the pan and only found very burnt fluid, no metal to speak of. I asked the to back flush the cooler lines, they got a big load of junk out. Everything worked great afterwards. Temp gauge acted normal and trannie gave us no more trouble.
My assumption is that the service company replaceing the transmission DID NOT flush the cooler during replacement causeing a bad overheat and excess pressure condition when under heavy load such as uphill pulling a car on a dolly.
Something to think about when getting major service.