Break Down: Tranny would not shift or even realize it was in 1st,2nd or Drive.
Vehicle: 94 Ford F250 7.5L E4OD Trans
Actual Problem: 16.00 vehicle speed sensor
Ford has these vehicle speed sensors on many of the electronic trans trucks and if the vehicle has no idea what speed it is going because the vehicle speed sensor is out to lunch, the transmission has no idea what speed it is going, when to shift or even what gear to be in.
Symptoms: I thought for sure the Tranny was gone. Vehicle wanted to start in Drive gear or even 2nd and not shift or extremely hard shifts.
It is worth every penny of 16.00 to purchase this little plastic part and throw in your glove box for that one rainy day. I have a new one in my glove box right now. Don't leave home without it.