RV particulars: Class A Suncrest (no longer manufactured) Driveline (Engine, Transmission):n/a
Break Down Description:Headed north from San Diego at beginning of mountain pass. Wind blowing hard, gusting at 60MPH Symptoms: First heard a flapping sound like the awning had broken loose. Pulled over when we could get off highway. Nearly Christmas.
Effect: Roof on driver's side lifted by the wind gusts, ripped up as far back as bathroom, destroying trim at top of shower and giving me and husband more grey hair. Got to San Bernardino where CamperWorld told us they don't do insurance work. A small RV repair shop owner told us the following:
Cause: Suncrest known to have this problem. Later after removing the strip which covers the screws it was revealed that only one of each 4-5 screws was actually in place. If you own a Suncrest, you might want to check this.
Outcome: Couldn't have it fixed before Xmas.. so husband put 7 screws in a line neatly into top part of roof overhang to hold it down (it is a 1988..who will notice a few extra screws). Caulked excessively. When we got to destination and removed strip, husband put a screw in every hole where Suncrest had not. Caulked everywhere needed and some places not needed. Removed strip on passenger side, found same lack of screws...added screws where needed, and for good measure put 7 in a line above in roof overhang to match those on opposite side.
6 Mo later, have to recaulk occasionally and shower top trim under skylight is now strips of white duct tape till I find a way to replace the ripped up trim. Want to own stock in caulk and duct tape companies.
Addendum: Wind is a bummer in an RV anyway. If you hit high gusts, park it. Hopefully facing into the wind or tail into the wind. Where we had our incident, there were cars and trucks off the road and a truck container blown off on one lane.