99 Discovery
ISB 5.9 Cummins w/Banks
Allison 3060
Freightliner Chassis
Problem: No air pressure
We were getting ready to leave the 04 GARVR on Friday morning, trying to beat the crowd (ha ha) and much to my surprise the coach wouldn't build any pressure. I checked the obvious stuff that I could and couldn,t find anything. Called Freightliner and they connected me with the closest service center which couldn't get to me untill the next afternoon, but did give me the phone number of someone else in the area who may be able to help. So I called and they sent a technician out that afternoon. He changed the governor and still no air. Following the system the next item was the air drier, had air going in but not out. He bypassed the drier to get me going and I continued home where I removed the drier and installed a filter kit. Seems to be fine now.