Break down info,
In may 2004 going from Florida to California while climbing the grades to Amarillo the red shutdown light and buzzer went on and then went away. 40 miles later the shutdown light went on and shut the engine down in the truck lane. it started right away and since the temp and oil pressure was ok we limped into the cummins dealer in Amarillo. They could find no faults with computer testing and sent us on our way. When we started the grades into California the same thing happened several times. We went into to a cummins dealer in Arcata California. The computer told him that the engine had been derated and shut down 20 times since we left texas. they replaced the fuel injection pump under warranty for the cummins 350 ISC and we headed to the state of washington. Around 300 miles on the way the check engine light came on and we felt a pause in the engine power. This only lasted for a few seconds and we kept going. It kept happening more frequently so we went into the cummins dealer in coberg Oregon. We spent almost two weeks there while they replaced the ECM, the the engine wiring harness, the fuel filters, a 200.00 fuel sensor, and isolated the entire fuel system and found no air leaks. At this point we left, and 100 miles later the check engine light came on with the same loss of power for a few seconds. When we reached Ventura California we went into the Cummins dealer and they thought that they had fixed the problem and we headed to Florida. 200 miles later the same light came on and we continued to Kingman Arizona when the check engine light kept comming on every 20 miles. At this point we realized that the engine was being derated when the light came on and we had to climb the small hills into Kingman in Second gear at 2000 RPM. Great western trucking was not a cummins dealer but was authorized to do warrantee work. The computer indicated that the problem was the fuel injecter pump that had been replaced two months earlier in Arcata california. While starting to replace the pump they found a wire socket to the pump had become loose and was sending incorrect messages to derate the engine. Torqued it down to the proper torque and we were on our way to Florida. From Kingman arizona to where we are now (Fort Myers) the engine has performed as it should, getting an easy 8.2 MPG at 65 MPH+ while pulling a PT cruiser with a 40 foot Newmar Mountain Aire.
It sure feels good to be home,