RV particulars: Safara Sahara
Driveline (Engine, Transmission):Cummings Diesel with an allison 6 speed tranny
Miles: 78,000
Break Down Description: I was driving South on I-5 after a week-end at a LaConner Campground while climbing a slight incline near Everett Wa. The outside temperature was the high 80's. I had just had the normal service done to the engine by Cummings NW. The engine just cut out on me with no warning. I shut it down restarted it and got off to the side of the road. It would idle however when I put it into gear it would quit. I waited for an hour the was able to drive another 40 min. Freeway driving and stop and go in places before it quit again once again on a small incline two block from my house. I immediately re started and drove the two blocks and parked it.
Symptoms: No previous simptoms.
Cause:unknown purged the water seperator no water. Stabalizer was added before the trip. Coach goes to shop tomorrow.
Outcome:Coach goes to shop tomorrow.