Country Coach Intrigue with tag axle
370 isl, allison 3000
12304 miles
air bag deflated while driving
smoke from right rear tire well
HWH computerized leveling system
outcome tba
Driving down I-5 south of Sacramento, Ca, saw smoke coming from right rear tire well. Pulled over and smoke stopped. Noticed on leaving RV that the right rear airbag light was on and drive light was off. Inspection of right rear tires disclosed that the airbags had deflated and that the outer tread on the outboard tread on the dual tire had been worn off 1/4 inch. Did the Good Sam thing, they know me by name these days. This occurred on 9/2/06. After 40 calls GS found a company that was willing to come to my aid. After numerous calls of my own to CC, GS tech support and my Salesman at Guaranty RV in Junction City we manually inflated the bags and crepped to the RV park we were headed to. The repair technician arrived at 7:30 at night and after an hour of trouble shooting decided that all the valves worked and that there were no leaks. Three hours later after working on his back in the dark with a flash light this saint and magician from HEERs Automotive and Diesel from Yuba City, Ca. figured out how to by pass the faulty controller and run lines from the left side controller. We were able to finish the week and drive home to Yuba City without incident. The gentleman from Heers drove over 130 miles one way, worked under our rig for fours hours in the dark with a flash light and was able to get us road able. It is too early to finish the story. I still have to get the rig to a service center. Will the extended warranty cover the fault, will Drive Ins cover the damage to the tire and unknown system damage..stay tuned.