Oooh boy! This is gonna be fun!
1. Got our rig in June 2006, used from a dealer, who checked and changed all fluids fresh, oil, coolant, etc., as part of a pre-delivery Good Sam Used RV Dealer Checklist.
2. Made 4-5 short trips.
3. Was headed for Laughlin, NV, on I-40, east out of Barstow. Climbing the grade to the Ludlow turnoff we started overheating, and so pulled off the road at that exit. Called Good Sam Roadside Assistance and were advised to let engine cool down 45min-1hour, then we'd be able to get back on the road.
4. Got about 1.5 miles East the I-40, and were stuck on the side of I-40 from 4:30pm, until 7:30am the next morning before a flatbed trailer tow arrived.
4.a. Good Sam couldn't locate us on the computer when we called, even using GPS Co-ordinates. (This was their Emergency Roadside Assistance) Finally got located with I-40 and name of the road for the Ludlow exit.
Did I mention that I was driving, my partner was co-pilot (a wheelchair user who had to be carried from his seat to the bed/bathroom and in/out of the rig, a friend of ours was going with us, and we were taking my 86 year-old grandmother and her 79 year old friend (who uses a walker) to the Avi, and that we had our two dogs with us as well?
5. Won't go into what this tow driver's shop told us...but if you ever break down near Bartow, CA, PAY TO HAVE YOUR RIG TOWED TO EITHER NEEDLES OR BACK TO CALIFORNIA! It cost us $900 to tow back to Orange County, but the repair savings was $13K, and 9 weeks. (Cost us $5K and 3 weeks)
6. Our tech in Orange County found so much rust in the radiator and coolant that he said, "could not be accounted for by the amount of time you've owned the rig. If the coolant had been changed, this water would be yellowish-green, it's bright orange." We told him to replace the radiator, hoses and engine.
7. He replaced the engine and hoses, but not the radiator. Our next trip to SFO pointed that out to us...but we didn't count it against him--he had still saved us a bundle. So we replaced the radiator at the Radiator Dr. in San Jose. This new one is 4x thicker than the old stock radiator.
While our tech replaced the engine we also had him do the interior carpet--we picked out from a friend in the wholesaling business, and after all was done we got 6 new tires.
Total cost of engine, radiator work, carpet & tires? $12K. A lot less than just the engine at that shafter in Barstow.
Yr.: 2000
Make: Winnebago
Model: Adventurer 32V, 33.33'
Chassis: Workhorse P32
Drive: 7.1L (if I recall the manual facts), allison 5 spd a/t.
Replacement engine: Jasper
Symptoms: Overheat.
Effect: Engine stall.
Cause: Radiator fluids not changed by dealer prior to delivery, overheat caused valves to stick-losing compression.
Outcome: Replaced engine, replaced radiator.
Current Operation: Engine developed sticky lifter at 1,000 miles of use, being replaced under warranty at this time (Jan., '08).
RV'ing...whether you make money at it or not, it sure is interesting!