If an insurance company is jerking you around, remember...you PAID for certain coverage and they are OBLIGATED to provide it.
If you believe they are acting in BAD FAITH, do not hesitate to contact your state's insurance commissioner.
He or She will ensure the insurance company is meeting their obligations. From experience, I can say they do NOT have a sense of humor for unscrupulous operators and are not timid about using their authority to levy charges if appropriate.
"They" strike fear into the hearts of insurance companies.
"But what if insurance companies are doing the right thing, why should they fear the insurance commissioner?" - EXACTLY!
THAT is how you defend yourself against unethical and inappropriate behavior by insurance companies.
Be sure to document your conversations and your findings as you go.
BTW, if you are UNSURE about how an insurance company should be handling your claim, your state's insurance commissioner can and often will answer your questions, just not give legal advice...just like this is not legal advice ;)
Good luck and hope you get treated fairly and with respect ;)