Forum Discussion

rjgraph's avatar
Jun 25, 2014

Connected chassis battery wrong, no power to chassis

I have a 1992 Pace Arrow 37J. Chevrolet 454.

Bought a new chassis battery and connected it the same as the previous one (so I thought). I had nothing no coach, no chassis. Went back to check, and one of the posts on one of my coach batteries had melted the solder for the connection. Got a new part, fixed the coach connection, swapped the battery cable the the other way. The new battery connections were swapped from the previous one. (Everyone make sure you check).

I now have coach power, lights, step, fans, but no chassis power to dash at all. I Checked the battery with multimeter. It is still ok. Checked fuses in box, all ok. It seems like there must be some kind of master fuse or circuit breaker. Can someone help? Thanks!