Forum Discussion

dec17's avatar
Nov 29, 2013

cummins ignition problems

Just purchased a 2000 Winnebago with a 5.9 Cummins ISB. It had been sitting in a field for several years and has rust issues on the undercarriage. Had problems with the ignition right from the start as I would have to turn the key several times before it would fire up until one day it would not turn over. Replaced the starter solenoid which had failed but still no start. I was able to Hotwire the rv to start it up as we had a trip planned the next day, drove 500 miles no problem parked and then the engine would not turn off. Any suggestions?
  • Not Hydrolocked, it's electronic somewhere, ignition checked out ok.
  • should have vp 44 injection pump all electronic not sure there is even a solenoid for fuel shut off. there isn't one on my 2001 dodge Cummins or my 1998 HR both have 5,9 ---24 valve
  • not stopping could be sticky fuel solenoid,seen this happen before.
    Starter not working could be neutral switch.
    Does this use an ignition relay?
  • Three critical items for a diesel: Air, Fuel and Compression for ignition. You say it sat in a field for several years and now it will not turn over after it did actually run for a while. Is it an electrical or starter problem or do you have a hydraulic lock because of coolant in a cylinder? Can you rotate the engine by hand or bar it over at the flywheel to rotate the crankshaft? If the engine will physically turn over, then concentrate on the electrical items.
  • I'm thinking ignition switch too. The fuel solenoid shuts off the fuel to stop the engine. The ignition switch turns the fuel on AND off, so if it's hard to start (assuming there's a lack of fuel) and it wont stop (fuel not cut off), then to me it points to the ignition switch not sending voltage to the solenoid.

    A simple VOM test at the solenoid or switch itself would reveal if the switch isn't working.
  • dec17 wrote:
    when I Hotwire the starter it starts right up so I'm inking that my starter is good and the problem lies elsewhere. Does anyone know if a bad ignition would prevent the fuel solinoid from shutting off?

    I haven't seen that failure mode of a switch but that doesn't mean much.
    Can you unplug the wire at the solenoid and cause it to shut down?

    IIRC there is nothing between the ign. switch and the fuel sol. on the earlier engines. You could verify this by checking the color of the wire at the solenoid and seeing if you leads all the way back to the switch.
    So if it will shut down by pulling the wire it has to be the switch.
  • when I Hotwire the starter it starts right up so I'm inking that my starter is good and the problem lies elsewhere. Does anyone know if a bad ignition would prevent the fuel solinoid from shutting off?
  • Also check the starter contacts. They are notorious for getting worn and making the operator turn the ign switch several times before it will turn over.
    After a little while it won't work at all.
    You can either replace the whole starter or just the contacts themselves. There are better (bigger) parts available here: Starter contacts