old guy wrote:
I guess it's only
the high end MH's that have dual fills for DEF
I've never seen dual DEF fills on a coach, that sure doesn't mean they don't exist.
We have dual fill for diesel but just DEF on the driver's side.
Both the Diesel fill and DEF fill are behind the same door on our coach. Our Diesel fill cap is brass and the DEF cap is a large blue plastic cap under the Diesel fill. So, I do fill up both tanks at the truck stop. My last DEF fill on NOV 3rd I paid 2.76 per gallon at a Love's station.
We have a 16 gallon DEF tank and I usually fill it up when it reaches half a tank when I'm filling with diesel. Our Diesel tank holds 230 gallons. Usually, it's about every third tank of diesel I will put in DEF. I will fill my diesel tank somewhere between 1/4 and 1/2. I start looking for a fuel station when the diesel reaches 1/2.
Safe travels,