So is SMC Safari Motorcoach?
Would love to move generator, but in the nose they left very little room....not enough for that I would say. Plus, access would be a nightmare for service. But that sure would be ideal. Slide out access would be best, but beyond what I want to tackle with the bodywork and all.
Behind the front tires is all basement. Would have to segragate it off of the rest of the basement, and cut the bottom out. Less fun yet.
I would love to get a fuel tank up in the nose. And that isn't out of the question. Would want to extend frame up around it. I have a propane generator, and that has been a pain fuel wise. So I converted it to gasoline. I added a tank in front of the drive wheels, but it is small and didn't put weight where I really need it.
I don't mine putting ballast in the front. Kind of keeping my eyes open for ideas and materials to use.
Thanks for the responses thus far. Please add more if you like!