Forum Discussion

JACKLEE's avatar
Jun 17, 2013

Electric fuel pump on 1990 pacearrow 460 v-8

My electric fuel pump will not pump with key in on position.
It will pump when I crank the engine only. Is there a relay
and where is it or could it be the Ignition switch on column?
This is on a 1990 Fleetwood Pacearrow Motorhome 37' long with a
460-V8 engine with john Deer chasis...Thanks!!
  • With the key "ON", the fuel pump will run 5-10 seconds until pressure is established. whem2fish is correct in that the pump will stop running if there is no oil pressure after the engine has started. The fuel pump relay on my 1990 Southwind is located on the left side bulkhead under the dog house. It takes a long, skinny arm to get at it. You can also come through the front but way more difficult.
  • I think the fuel pump should run with the key on. Mine Doesn't so it wont stay running. Most electric
    fuel pumps will stop when they meet there pound limit won't they.
    If there is a fuel pump relay for my 1990 Pace arrow with a 460-v8
    and a John Deer chasis where is it. It is full of oil so I dont think
    its the oil sending unit. Please help!!.....Jack
  • whem2fish wrote:
    my p-32 is the same the fuel puml is tied into the oil pressure switch so no oil pressure no fuel pump

    X2. The idea behind this is to stop the pump from continually pumping if the engine is stopped for any reason.
  • Our Old 1990 Southwind Carburated 460/JD had that external Holley Red Fuel Pump and Spin on Fuel Filter. You could hear the Pump Prime or Load up whenever the Key was turned to the On Position.
  • whem2fish wrote:
    my p-32 is the same the fuel puml is tied into the oil pressure switch so no oil pressure no fuel pump

    Correct, it is a SAFETY item/issue. That is why they wire the Electric pump to the Oil pressure switch on the engine. Doug
  • my p-32 is the same the fuel puml is tied into the oil pressure switch so no oil pressure no fuel pump
  • Sounds like your ignition switch is wired wrong, or the switch is broken.
