Forum Discussion

dan-nickie's avatar
Jul 18, 2015

Equalizer Jack Problem on Berkshire

I read pretty much all of the posts that I can on here and typically at least have an idea what to do when something goes wrong but this time I'm stuck.

My Equalizer Jacks are not working. The problem is the keypad panel will not respond to any buttons being pushed. Lights will not light up when button pushed, although the lights will flash when ignition turned on.

This started a few days ago and have already done much troubleshooting, both on my own and with phone support but maybe someone has had a similar issue.

1. Looked for fuses. Only those in the control box found. None blown.
2. Checked voltage at keypad. Voltage good.
3. Jumpered solenoid on pump motor. Motor runs.
4. Changed out keypad. Equalizer sent to me.
5. Changed out control box under floor. Equalizer sent to me.
6. Slides work fine BTW.

Since I have already chased this with help from Equalizer I'm not sure if any of you guys can help but you never know. There is a lot of experience on here.

Thanks Dan
  • accumack wrote:
    On our unit I had similar problem I found the dealer repaired a wire in the plug at the control panel by pushing it in. I took it apart and fixed it properly. It sounds like you may have already check that though.

    Hey there. I believe you also posted on that 'other forum'.
    It was a wire in the plug at the control panel.
    Found it this morning.
  • You are low on oil, or as Accumack mentions you have a loose connection. You have run enough tests proving that the keypad and controller are both good, so look for something else.

    BTW, if the lights 'flash' on the unit, the fuse is definitely good, no need to even check it.

    When my Power Gear shows the symptom of just the light flashing once when I turn on the key, I switch off the key, pull the rig out of gear and jamb it into Park. Then try the key again. Or if that doesn't work, then go out and check the oil. One time I found that symptom was caused by a broken wire on the main solenoid.

    Good luck.
  • On our unit I had similar problem I found the dealer repaired a wire in the plug at the control panel by pushing it in. I took it apart and fixed it properly. It sounds like you may have already check that though.