Forum Discussion

WannaRetire's avatar
Mar 31, 2015

Ford wipers won't turn OFF

2004 ford 450 class A, with windshield wipers that won't turn OFF.

It happened during winter storage. I charged the batteries every 2 weeks. This proved to be OK for all of last winter and for 1/2 of this winter.

When doing a routine charge, I found the chassis battery discharged. I was able to get the MH started using the house batteries. On start up the windshield wipers were ON and would not turn OFF.

I removed the chassis battery and placed it on charge on my work bench for the rest of the winter storage period. Now reinstalling the battery and taking the MH out of storage, the wipers still will not turn OFF.

Is this a common problem on the Ford chassis?

Could it be something other than the steering column switch, and something related to the battery discharging?
  • Solved. It was a faulty wiper control module. I found a used replacment on ebay for $40. Part number labeled on the unit is YC2T-17D539-AA.
  • I tested using a jumper as suggested. The problem is not from lack of ground to motor.

    Does anyone know where I may get a schematic or wiring diagram?

    There is a short cable from the motor with a connector on the end. I guess I could position the wipers in what I think is PARK and measure each wire to ground to test the PARK contact?
  • If it is not an obvious connection or ground problem it is probably the park switch contacts inside the motor assembley.
  • Coat the connector inside with dielectric grease and position it out of any water flow.
  • Gooding. R wrote:
    I agree, try and put another ground on the wiper motor. Usually this can be done by loosening one of the mounting screws and coming off of the frame with a wire to that screw. I had this problem once and this fixed it. Hope this helps.

    Agree that it probably is a ground problem. You could try a jumper wire to start with before making a new ground wire. JMO
  • check the first connection off the wiper motor. it maybe loose. I tied mine with a tie warp
  • Turn the wiper switch to the off position and with the wipers running, tap the wiper motor with a hammer or heavy object.
  • I agree, try and put another ground on the wiper motor. Usually this can be done by loosening one of the mounting screws and coming off of the frame with a wire to that screw. I had this problem once and this fixed it. Hope this helps.