I forgot all about this thread. Well I installed a new fuel pump and it was doing the same thing. We took a trip down to FL in mid October and the generator ran an entire day without issues. Yes it was in the 60’s outside. So what I did this year was install a set of stainless vents in the lower part of the generator door. This will feed cooler outside air to the generator air intake and expel the hot exhaust (not the actual exhaust!) I have upper vents ordered as well to vent the compartment. I forgot to mention that I put my little outside temp gauge in the compartment last year and the temps were near 200 deg. Seems a bit hot for an air cooled generator. So my thinking is the fuel is boiling in the carb and when it gets jarred it moves the air bubbles and the engine sucks in no fuel. I tried disconnecting the oil switch and no fix. I did try a new one and same results.
I feel confident this will fix it. The front vents are faced forward and the rear ones to the back to remove the hot air.