Mar-31-2022 05:50 PM
Apr-12-2022 05:56 AM
Apr-06-2022 11:27 AM
Apr-06-2022 04:32 AM
Apr-05-2022 03:24 PM
Apr-05-2022 08:28 AM
valhalla360 wrote:
If you are just idling the motors for 15-20minutes, you might be causing more harm than good. They need a load to get up to full temperature which will burn off any moisture in the crank case. Assuming you put them to bed for the winter properly, better to just let them sit until spring.
Of course, the mice/rats/squirrels chewing the wiring are a different matter.
Apr-01-2022 09:34 AM
Apr-01-2022 06:21 AM
Apr-01-2022 03:57 AM
Mar-31-2022 11:36 PM
Mar-31-2022 09:25 PM